Sunday, 19 July 2015

Threnody to Daisy

Threnody to Daisy

Sister in spirit and friend,
How I miss thee, Daisy,
Whose life did end
Hazily twelve lazy
Years ago.

So I remember thee, Daisy,

Once more on this date
That was your birthday
And, of course, late
You know.

"It doesn't matter," I hear

You eloquently say
In my ear.
"It doesn't matter"
Dearest dear.

Yet I miss thee

I miss thee
Every day.
See ...

Wednesday, 15 July 2015

Something Higher

Something Higher

The old road is
Rapidly fading.
The new one now
Will later be last.

And so I say this
As I'm playing
With sweat on my brow,
Fast,  fast,  fast

Back to a time
Unchanged for ever
Where me and mine
Gather together

To laugh again
As we did back then;
To feel passion,
Purpose and reason

To be alive
In a place
Where we strive
To face

Something higher.